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Mederi Programs Need Funding

Your Support Will Help Save Lives

Mederi Center® has helped thousands of cancer patients enjoy productive and even cancer-free lives. Mederi Care® is a wholistic treatment approach, which means we work in tandem with your healthcare provider, combining botanical and nutritional medicine with conventional medicine to product better outcomes and provide a better chance for a life fully lived. This translates to transforming fear into hope and a better quality of life for many of our patients.

When the Mederi Care® model is implemented at the onset of a diagnosis, the possibilities of eradicating cancer are higher, probabilities of survival are drastically improved, and living a healthy, meaningful life – spiritually, mentally, and physically – is suddenly a real possibility. It is actually possible to thrive with cancer!

Giving to Mederi Center® supports our innovative model for cancer care, where our goal is to not only enhance a person’s chance of surviving cancer but to help them thrive. Your gift supports our commitment to whole systems research, advanced integrative oncology training for healthcare providers, and comprehensive patient care utilizing the Mederi Care® model. Please help support our vision of offering people all over the world a better chance.

Mederi’s Pioneering Programs for Advancing Personalized, Integrative Cancer Care

We provide expert guidance and deliver personalized botanical, nutritional, lifestyle, dietary, and naturopathic medicine protocols for patients through in-person or remote consults by specially trained, Mederi Care® practitioners at the Mederi Center® clinic in Ashland, Oregon.

We provide online training and advanced coursework in Mederi Care® to healthcare practitioners worldwide through Mederi Academy®.

We document and publish case studies and coordinate clinical research trials with major medical institutions combining Mederi Care® therapies with conventional medicine. The purpose of these research initiatives is to validate the safety, benefits, and effecacy of using botanical and nutritional medicine in combination with standard of care treatment for improving the quality of life for people with cancer.

Together We Can Change The Treatment of Cancer And Produce Better Outcomes

Our Mission
To optimize health, promote longevity and improve the quality of life of those facing chronic diseases, especially cancer, and to provide a comprehensive, cost-effective approach toward the transformation of healthcare for individuals and institutions.

The Problem
Over the past 40 years, traditional medicine has made steady, yet slow advances in treating cancer. However, new breakthrough drugs are only extending lives by two to three months and mortality rates in Stage IV cancer have not improved. In addition, those who survive cancer often suffer debilitating symptoms from the illness itself or from the toxic treatments they undergo to fight the disease.

While there have been great discoveries in science regarding the mechanisms of cancer onset and progression, as well as targeted therapy, translating their findings into effective prevention and care strategies is still lagging behind. The standard course of treatment for most cancer still consists of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, just as it did forty years ago.

More and more people are being diagnosed with and dying from cancer each year, including children. In 2010 over 1.5 million people were diagnosed with cancer. In 2014 it is estimated that close to 1.7 million people will be diagnosed with cancer and over half a million people will die from it.

The reality is that there is no simple answer to cancer. The word “cancer” is applied to what are hundreds, perhaps even thousands of different diseases, all characterized by uncontrolled cell growth, which over time often mutates into newer, more aggressive forms of the disease. This is why a comprehensive and highly personalized approach is desperately needed.

There is a better way. Right now. Today.

The Solution: Mederi Care® / ETMS

The fundamental objectives of the Mederi Care® / ETMS approach are to strengthen the individual in a harmonious way and to lessen the vulnerability to degenerative disease. In contrast to conventional medicine, where cancer is treated very generally, Mederi Care® is a highly personalized, unified, in-depth study and treatment of a person’s illness as it is manifests uniquely in them.

Employing this approach, Mederi Care® has repeatedly had astounding results, both applied singularly and in tandem with conventional cancer treatments. 

Mederi Care® gives practitioners a road map to follow and patients the keys to help achieve enhanced vitality and a greater potential for survival, not just to live longer, but to thrive, in spite of cancer.

Also, there is now a scientific basis that further substantiates the long-standing traditional and historic use of well-directed nutritional and botanical therapeutics for promoting and maintaining health.

The therapies listed below are the hallmark of Mederi Care®, which together offer a more effective way to support well-being and enhance an individual’s quality of life and longevity.

  • Botanical medicine
  • Clinical nutrition
  • Dietary recommendations
  • Lifestyle interventions (exercise, stress-reducing activities, etc.)
  • Spiritual care (practices such as meditation and nurturing a close connection to one’s Creator)
  • Fostering positive relationships with one another

With over four decades of clinical experience, Clinical Master Herbalist and Certified Nutritionist Donnie Yance has honed and evolved a distinctive philosophy and practical clincial approach that merges traditional, wholistic medicine with modern, allopathic medicine – thus creating a truly integrative model that uniquely synthesizes the latest scientific research, logic, common sense, and intuitive wisdom.

But, in order to continue providing healthcare practitioners with ETMS training and tools, and to advance ETMS into mainstream medicine through clinical research, it is vital that four extremely important projects/plans continue moving forward.

  1. Grow Financial Capacity to Expand The Patient Aid Fund
    Through the generous support of donors, Mederi supports those in need of financial assistance in their healing journey with the cost of their personalized Mederi Care® treatment plan protocols. Our vision is to grow the Patient Aid Fund to be able to offer a minimum of 5% of our patients with some level of protocol assistance. We understand the challenges of healthcare costs and seek to help when possible. Funds are awarded by a practitioner identification process.
  2. Mederi Academy
    Since our inception in 2005, Mederi’s clinical training programs and lecture offerings have provided education to thousands of healthcare providers. Participants have included medical doctors, oncologists, naturopaths, licensed acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other health care providers.

    Mederi Academy®, which launched in 2022, is an online training program that teaches healthcare practitioners how to incorporate the Mederi Care® model into their practice. The goal of the program is to provide clinicians with the skills they need to enhance patient vitality and significantly improve the quality of life and longevity for people facing cancer and other serious health challenges.

  3. Clinical Trials & Case Study Research
    Research for developing case studies and formal clinical trials must continue in order to demonstrate Mederi Care® as an effective integrative approach. Ongoing research and clinical trials will also help substantiate botanical medicine and nutrition as foundational therapies along with their successful use in combination with other specific targeted therapies.

    Headway was made in this effort. We’ve raised $50,000 to partially fund our first clinical trial with Ohio State University’s James Cancer Center. While research has verified that people with breast cancer use complementary and integrative medicine therapies, there is no research that has studied the effect of using whole-person individualized complementary botanical, nutritional, and lifestyle therapies integrated with conventional or standard medical therapies in metastatic breast cancer. Mederi Foundation is partnering with “The James” to conduct a preliminary study to evaluate the effects of using an established case-validated protocol (ETMS) of herbal medicines and nutritional and lifestyle therapies in personal prescriptions (timing, dosing, and combinations) along with standard or usual treatment for metastatic breast cancer.

    This research initiative is of paramount importance since it will be the first prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial of its kind.
  4. Hire Key Leadership Positions For Long Term Sustainability
    The Mederi Foundation Board is working tirelessly to move the organization’s mission forward. Board Member Jennifer Yance was appointed Executive Director (Gratuitous) as a temporary solution in the Foundation’s start-up phase. Now, years into our work, we are realizing the long-term sustainability of the organization.

    To significantly continue growth in our mission, vision and goals, we need to hire key personnel, including an Executive Director for the Foundation, as well as a leadership team for the Mederi Academy®, to include a Director of Medical Education.

    Many important structures are in place for key leadership to step in and take this organization to new heights. Now is the time to make this happen.

Help Us Move Closer to Achieving Our Vision
Though our successes to date have been significant, we still have a long way to go. We need help from passionate and visionary supporters who understand that Mederi Care® offers the best hope for quality of life, positive outcomes, and the high probability of a better chance of longevity. Please support us in advancing personalized, integrative cancer care.

Your support helps to fund these four core programs:

  1. Patient Aid, to give more people access to Mederi Care®. Currently, we are able to support only a small percentage of the people that come to us with financial need. We want to make that 75% in the first year of the campaign and achieve 100% by the third year of the campaign.
  2. Mederi Academy, through online training that will allow us to market to and educate more practitioners in the Mederi Care® methodology, thus being able to impact many more patients in need.
  3. Clinical trials and ongoing case study research that will lead the way to 21st century personalized, integrative oncology by bringing this innovative approach into the mainstream.
  4. Leadership recruitment for the long-term, sustainable future of the organization. This will allow us to continue providing education to practitioners and clinical care to current and future patients.

Our goal is to raise $450,000 annually for the next 3 years.

For this purpose, we are launching: The Mederi Care Future Fund Campaign

Funds we raise through this campaign will enable the Mederi Foundation to:

  1. Fully fund our first clinical trial with Ohio State University’s James Cancer Center and pursue additional clinical research opportunities. Estimated annual cost: $80,000.
  2. Produce & market additional online training courses to reach 30 – 50% more practitioners. Estimated annual cost: $120,000.
  3. Grow our Patient Aid Program and fund 75% of the patients in need of financial assistance. Estimated annual cost: $50,000.
  4. Hire key leadership for long-term sustainability, especially an Executive Director and a Director of Medical Education in the next two years. Estimated annual cost: $225,000.

The result? Vastly more patients helped, medical costs reduced, and better chances realized.

Please Donate to the Mederi Care Future Fund today.

Want more information?  Call us directly to either speak with one of our staff or to arrange a time to come by for a personal tour so you can see the work we do and how your generosity can make an impact.

© 2025 Mederi Foundation 501(c)(3)
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